Sunday, October 13, 2013

Guess whose back?!?

I have to admit that over the last year (and some months) I have thought of this.... It would be impossible not to.  I have picked up my computer (now an iPad... Geesh... There's so much to catch up on) and thought of where to begin.  But the thought of a blog has seemed overwhelming because of the variety of topics I've had to cover... A lot has happened people... And I simply couldn't find the time to sit down and write it out.  I apologize.... If we were dating you would have definitely broken up with me by now.  I need to work on consistency..... Noted. :)

    Are we done fighting?........ Okay, good... Love you :)
Noooow, where to begin... The last y'all heard from me I was Haiti bound...  Because of your donations and prayers I was able to make an unforgettable, life changing trip.  It was possibly the best experience of my life.  So much stinking fun.  Since there's a lot of ground to cover I might just dedicate a blog down the road to that trip, but for now ill just say It was amazing, challenging and forever changed this American heart. :)
 To tell you what happened after Haiti in any kind of detail would be a task for me and boring for you.... So ill just say this... Haiti. Then school... Lots of it. 6 month leave from school.  Working full time.  Big blizzard in which I was snowed in with nothing in my pantry but a box of saltines.  New car (Josie)... She's amazing and will be getting a blog entry of her very own soooooon. Vacation in Michigan with the deans. Worship at grace. Lots of random and fun photo shoots.  A boys2men concert (uhhhhh. Yeah, it was as amazing as you would assume).   A Taylor swift concert. my best friend had a baby... mankato, also probably going to get his own blog soon..... hes perfect. a random offer to move to Illinois for the summer.  A trip to Florida to see the lynch fam.  Moving to Illinois. Graduating from school.  Becoming a  Professional sandwich maker.   Annnnnd here we are.

     Yep, I'm living in peoria Illinois right now.  With the dean family.  It has been an awesome summer full of learning experiences.  They are just the best.  After living on my own for 2 years (can u believe it was two years?!?  Me neither) i really wanted a family and the deans gave me that.  There's no price on coming home to a happy face of a little girl running to you screaming buppy (that's my name around here).  They gave me a home.... And that's priceless... The picnics, family dinners, movie nights, road trips, slumber parties, games of candy land and birthday parties..ugh, it healed me people.

    Ever felt like u needed picked up?  Like life didn't just hand u lemons... But u felt like life was pelting lemons at you?!  Ever felt completely misdirected?!  No?!  Fine.  Me neither. :)
    I was feeling a little broken... Which happens... This ain't no perfect life, boys and girls. And sometimes we (I'm assuming I'm not alone here) can feel totally lost and unsure of what to do next.  Being a grown up is kinda hard.... Oh yeah, and I had another birthday in which I turned..... Wait for it.... 27 (let's not talk about it).
     All that mumbo jumbo to say that every time I have felt lost, confused, misdirected, unsure there's one thing that never fails..... Starbucks.   Kidding, that was stupid.

     In all seriousness I have continued to be blown away by the faithfulness of my God.  It makes me cry to even write about it.   Soooooo faithful y'all, it's crazy.  It hasn't mattered what has happened over the last two years (and as u can see a lot has happened).  It doesn't matter how financially, mentally, relationally confused or frustrated or stressed I am, I have woken up every morning knowing that I know that I know that I KNOW that He is faithful,  his mercies are always new.  And that He is behind me and goes before me.  His love for me is strong, seeing past my mess and loving me where I am.  Breathing strength into my life and causing my heart to fall more and more in love with Him.  He is such a good God.  Although at times I throw a pity party and convince myself that I'm really being put thru the ringer I'm quickly reminded that I have no battles to fight.  Every battle has been fought on my account.  I'm victorious.  And because of that amazing truth I can continue to walk thru this life with all its amazing and exciting changes, with all its growth spurts and challenges and all the huge events that are still in my future.

  I'm looking to move back to Kansas City soon and applying for jobs... Life is going to continue to change and transition is going to happen yet again but can I just say for the record that my heart has changed.   For the first time in my life I know I'm not alone.

 And I'm convinced now more than ever that the best is yet to come!
   (Ill make sure to blog about it)