Ok... I was starting this blog with the intention of writing about the holidays...
but as I finished my title sentence i heard Ryan Seacrest's voice (im watching E!) say something that rocks my world.
i cant believe it.
why cant he always be single.
Jake and Taylor.
Does anybody agree???
Jake Gyllenhaal (or as I call him.. my jake)
and Taylor Swift.
(really jake?! She is 12 and has dated a jo-bro)
whom i also was in love with... but that's besides the point.
I liked him better with Reese.
Okay... I, Brooke, will no longer care about celebrities lives.
I think I can.. I think I can... I think I can.
Anyways...back to what I originally wanted to blog about.
I LOOOVE the holidays.
I just got back from Tennesse where I saw these people in the picture above:
(approx. 5 people had left for home before the picture was taken.. so they are missing)
Theres a pic of Grams and Gramps too :) looking awesome!!!
there was lots of us. and it was a blast.
Laughing so hard our stomachs hurt.
It was wonderful.
A week full of games, smiles, old movies,
home movies. thankful time. running around. golf cart races.
football games. food. pie. pool table. ninja game. pictures. food.
barn dances. and more food.
i already miss family time :) it was so great. :)
i have a good family. Really, I do. I realize this more and more as i grow up.
I also realize that I have the best life. Such great friends.
So much love in my life :)
and to make matters better.. christmas is here.
As i speak there are christmas decorations filling my house placed perfectly in every spot (done in a way only mom can do it)
I have already watched White Christmas 3 times... and will probably watch it another million more :)
i love the holidays.
Mostly because I love spending time with the people in my life!
so here is a little shout out.
I love you mom. :)
I love you dad.
I love you brit, brandon and Brad :)
I love you Nish.
I love you Jess.
I love you Brit, Kel and Les :)
I love you Grams and Gramps and B.
And i really really Love the DEANS :)
Love love love love love love love.
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