Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Grandmas :)

       My whole life I have had a fascination with hands.  I have my moms hands but my dads pointer finger.   I have a vein that sticks out over the knuckle of my right pointer finger just like my mom.  i have flat finger nails like my dad.  i bite my nails like my mom. My hands remind me of my parents.  My hands have wiped a bazillion kids nose when they are sick from a cold.  They have played piano for church.  When I was in 6th or 7th grade I held My first boyfriends hand for the very first time during a basketball game.

hands tell a story.  and i love stories.

 Specifically the hands of my grandmother.  When I was a child I used to sit by her side at Sunday evening service and hold her hand.  I would try to memorize every inch.  The way her aged skin laid across the bones, The way her veins would stand up.  I would run my fingers along every road of vein on her left hand.  I would twist and turn rings placed on her fingers.   I have always treasured her.  I have always treasured them.  There has always been something inside me that knew they were exceptionally different.  On Sunday night at church I loved sitting and holding the hand of my grandma.  The maker of apples and caramel, the endless supplier of gum and pretzels,  the fiery-sarcastic-hilarious, always has a Kleenex in her hand, nurturing and sweet GRANDmother.

    I was 9 when these memories took place and here I am nearly 20 years later sitting next to that same woman.  Sitting to her left as if I'm taking my same place I did in church all those years ago.
  My hands are smaller now.  But still the same.  Her nails are perfect as always.   Of possible they have become even more beautiful.  They have lived 90 years.  They have cooked a million meals.  Made christmas divinity.  Washed clothes, cleaned dishes.  They have hugged and nurtured kids and grandkids, great grandkids and great great grandkids.  They have opened and shut a bible.  They have packed boxes for moves and unpacked boxes into homes.  They have quite a story.

   I'm so thankful to be here.  By her side, knowing from the bottom of my heart that there is no where else I would rather be.
   Grandma and gramps are doing really well :) I cannot believe the way my 89 year grandpa lights up when grandma walks into the room, it's seriously crazy unreal.  The love between them is thick.  Is beautiful to watch.  They are my idols.  I can only hope that in this short time I have with them I can make them feel loved, cared for, adored and somehow show my gratitude for them.  I feel so thankful to have apart in their lives.
    Feeling ever so thankful and humbled to be with them :).