I cant believe almost a whole year has passed since I began this blog... its been so fun.
Im currently sitting in my newly "moved around" living room (had to make room for the christmas tree I AM putting up before thanksgiving) with hot tea and candles lit.
ahhh... I really do love my home. and most the time I love living here alone and enjoying the peace and quiet and always being the keeper of the remote. :)
** I can watch state fair as many times as I want and nobody complains... **
I finally feel like this place is my own... and it looks like me.. i guess. :) Just feels good. :)
Emory and Hayden are doing so wonderful... I cut Emorys hair for Picture day, she looked adorable. She kept walking thru the house running her fingers through her hair while saying to herself.. "Oooooh my goodness.. show mommy"... too stinking cute! Hayden is officially in love with me which is good because I'm crazy about that little man, he is constantly giving
me the flirting eyes and smiles.... whatta way to spend your days eh? I'm a lucky girl.
School is great.. I have given about 20 haircuts including some of my sisters friends. :) ha... If your in the Olathe area and want a free haircut then CALL me! I need practice. :) ps: I'm good... and have YET to mess up... your in good hands :)
I have my 4th exam tomorrow and really should be studying.. (i cant believe I have re-entered the world of studying.. grody.) I really do love the classes though and my instructor says I'm a natural.. I feel like I've found my nitch (or niece for all you Boy meets world fans).
Speaking of NIECE...
I dont have a niece of nephew but I have a ton of fake ones... (shout out to Harrison, Josh, Jaz, Grace, Addi and Paigers) But It all started with Josh :) He is the little love of my life! :) I've blogged about him before so I'll save the repetitive-ness and just tell you that He and his sister Jaz came to spend the weekend with Auntie B (m-wah) a couple weekends ago and it was sooo stinking fun! WE had jack-o-lantern pizzas and popsicles and koolaid and way too many treats.. watched a movie, played, had a bubble bath (they did... not me). and all slept in my room... Jaz was in the pack n play and josh and I in my bed... I literally felt like I was in a movie as I woke up repeatedly to josh's hands, feet, arms and booty in my face at various times in the night till finally at 730 am I was awoken by a sweet little boys voice asking "Auntie B, you got anything in this place for
breakfast?" *too stinking cute*
And Auntie B DID have something... chocolate chip pancakes... Josh was a happy boy :)
After church I got to go have lunch with the sprat family and catch up.
I really miss them... I miss a lot of things about Omaha but the Spratlen Fam is in a
category of their own.. they are just great people :). AFter lunch we went and took some family pictures... heres just a few...

They are just so great and I had so much fun hanging out with them! :)
Having Josh and Jaz around made me realize how thankful I am for the people in my life...
I think sometimes I forget what I have because I focus so much on what I dont have... for instance... lately I have decided I want a house.. CRAZY right?!! I mean, thats just stupid. Nothing against home-owners (one day I hope to join your club) But I live alone... and I JUST got my FIRST apartment.... and its only been six months. there is this thing called the maintenance man that comes everytime my clog in my shower acts weird and those dont come with houses!!!
I just tend to get ahead of myself. I want a house.. I want a husband (i know i know, broken record) I want a new car... I want more money... I want to be done with school.. I want.. I want... I need.. I need.. blah blah bloppity-blah.
Its in those moments of searching for houses on "homes.com" or looking at baby pictures of the children I do NOT have in pinterest that God stops me and gives me a little slap in the face (in a loving way of course)... "Brookey poo (thats what He calls me)... look at what I've given you.... look at your life... and remember I'm in control.. puh-lease Brooke.. be still..."
Thats what he tells me... So i'm working on listening to that... and being still. :) And remembering what I have and how stinking faithful He has been to me this year. When I was so lost and scared of what the future held... he was holding me.
So thankful for a God who is big enough to hold me up. :) and thankful, very thankful For friends, for family (both of which I'm convinced I got the best of). For a job that I love **how many people can say that??!** and to be back in school learning something I love doing.
How can I complain about not having a house or a husband when God has been so faithful and I've been so lucky? Welp.. i just. cant.
Hold on to your hats people.... I feel a thankful List coming on... maybe next post :)
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