Hey all.. its been too long.I have missed you just as much as you've missed me! :)
So sorry its been so long.
It.will.never.happen.again. :)
I am currently sitting in Olathe/Overland Park Kansas.
(I am still uncertain where Olathe ends and Overland Park begins).
I am at starbucks and its a tad chilly out.
I'm drinking green tea.. (delish).
I have come to Starbucks for their free wi-fi.
I wonder how many people think I am working on homework.... anyways!
Its been a very busy few weeks.... let me re-cap rathe quickly!
On April 30th I moved from beloved Omaha NE to my new home - Overland Park Kansas!
I am posting pictures on facebook of my new place but allow me to show you my favorite room:

I promise its more "roomy" than it appears here. this is my walk-in closet. its beautiful.
love love love.
Back to April 30th. I got all moved in with the help of the following:
mom.dad.brit.brandon.harrison.jess.brian.aunt gayle. uncle steve.
Thanks people :)
My parents stayed with me Friday night and we got ALL unpacked.
You heard me.
when I laid my head down Friday night there was not a SINGLE box in my apartment.
Saturday morning we woke up, had coffee and made some eggs and then mom and I hung stuff on the walls.
A little lunch at Chick-filet....
(i have only eaten there twice so far... my jeans are thankful)
And then my parents left :)
I went grocery shopping and then had some friends over for dinner and a movie!
Sunday was church and then I had another friend over!
Work started on Monday and it has been so amazing. I'm so thankful :)
Little Emory and Hayden are so precious and have adjusted SO well!
I have a new nickname... "boo".
Who would've thought that "brooke" is so hard for little kiddos to say!?
the week flew by between work all day and play all night then the weekend was here again!
My best friend Jess graduated with her masters degree in counseling on Saturday so Saturday morning I met her family and our other bestie, Kel, at the church and watched her graduate!
(soooo proud).
then Lunch with her whole fam-damily :)
by the time I got home from that my parents were back in town and at my place!
Brandon graduated on Sunday from MidAmerica with a Biology degree!
So weird ... and awesome.
Saturday was also Brad's birthday so we all went to Baccaluerette (i'll never remember how to spell that word) and then over to Aunties house to grill out and have cake! :)
Sunday was church, lunch and graduation followed by quick dinner and graduation party.
whew. Im tired just from typing all of that!
it was so fun to be with all the family. they are the best. :) heres one of my favorite pics from the weekend!

SO fun and sweet! :)
So, that was week numero uno. :)
Week two wasnt nearly as eventful :)
Just working by day and hanging out by night :)
I have been able to spend time with some people I have REALLY missed though :)
such as: jess and Brian! :) and nicky-poo just to name a few! :)
More blogs to come, sorry this was just a catching up blog! There will be much more fun ones to come! :) promise!
On a final note : i have had a boy staying with me all week in my apartment.
Chill-ax people... he is a fish.
and we have grown quite fond of one another.
He belongs to my good friend Harrison.
I love HArrison.
Harrison is a very nice and funny boy who often says inappropriate things.. and i like that.
He has a fish that he has owned for 2 years. (I have learned that this is an eternity when it comes to the beta).
Harrison left me in charge of Tesla the fish for the week.
I have so enjoyed the company and its made me consider getting a pet of my own. (a fish. I could never own a dog by myself).
here is Tesla after our morning devotions this morning....

that's all for now folks :) lata.
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