I have been living in Overland Park for almost a month now.
Here are a few things I have learned...
1) I NEVER drink milk. I have already thrown out almost a whole 1/2 gallon.
(haha... that sounded funny in my head)
2) I LOOOVE decorating. I cant wait till every room looks (as patty Jareo put it, "Brookified")
3) Emory and Hayden attach to new people VERY well, for this I'm so glad... I am greeted by a smiling and laughing little Emory every morning... this is so great.
4) I can make a MEAN quiche!
5) If I make two quiches, they will last me a week as far as dinners go... this is AFTER my brother has had a few slices of his own.
6) there are very little things better than living 10 minutes away from my best friend.
7) I dont require a lot of food... and surprisingly.. I'm a fan on Ramen noodles.
8) fish are good company.
9) I am quite brave when it comes to being alone.
10) I NEVER use my air conditioner (did you hear that nish?!) first utility bill: $10.25. holla!
11) cable was a good investment for me.
AND LAST but not LEAST....
12) there is no place like home. No place like Heritage Hill. No.stinking.place.
So far sundays have been the hardest days as far as getting a little sad and homesick. Dont get me wrong, Olathe has AMAZING churches and I'm looking f
orward to finding a new church home! However... There is not a Pastor Dave there who sits in the front row, whom I have grown sooo accustomed to his "mmhmmms" and "yes, thats right" in response to the pastor. There is not a Pastor Ray who not only brings the gospel to you in a whole new way but does it while making you giggle and look at a story in a whole new way.
There is not a Matt and Marche sitting to my left making faces at me and dancing in a goofy way during worship. There is not a precious Michelle sitting next to me belting out every worship song. My mom cant sit by me. There is no Cheri to walk up and ask me "hows it goin!?!"
I didnt go to church yesterday.... I know... shame on me. I promise I'll find a church. I promise Mom :)
Its. just.kinda.hard.
So many things I miss. I think what I miss most of all is that there is not an adorable and nearly perfect little Korean boy running up to me after service to ask for gum or candy.... gosh I miss that perfect, sweet, hysterical little boy.
Anyways... back to yesterday... I didnt go to church but I did wake up and do my morning devotions (something that has quickly become the "norm" of my morning routine... followed by an egg and cheese tortilla... not kidding, I do this and eat this almost e
very morning). So as the afternoon rolled on and passed by I found myself plopped on my couch catching up with all the things I had dvr'd thru the week. When all the sudden I was overwhelmed with missing home. Missing church. I knew that my family was probably just finished sunday dinner, no doubt had laughed and chatted thru the meal. And here I was, on my couch... catching up on the housewives of orange county and instead of a delish meal with the family I was staring at this:

not complaining, it was good :) ha.
Can I also just say that I have been fine and LOVED living here. I have friends here and I'm busy and I dont eat like this everyday! :) Sundays are just a hard day... which I think if I average one hard day a week for awhile during this whole transition then I'm doing pretty darn good. :)
anyways... here I am. with my bowl o' noodles and my favorite green blanket when I just start to cry. ha. dont cha looove being a girl?!?
i got off the couch. turned off my tv and walked over to my piano. And guess what?! The Lord showed up. My buddy. My friend. My room mate. My comforter. I started to sing songs like...
"I know you are for me, I know you will never forsake me in my weakness."
"You're not alone, for I am here, Let me wipe away your every tear. My love, I've never left your side and I have seen you thru the darkest night and I'm the one whose loved you all your life."
"You dance over me while I am unaware."
So stinking good to be comforted by the ultimate comforter. There is no one better. Although a conversation with mom is so satisfying it is so small in comparison to the peace the Father offers in times of change, fear, anxiety or even, dare I say it... loneliness. I woke up and did devos this morning, had my breakfast and made it to work. Checked my email and found a message from my best friend Brit and in it she put the hymn "i need thee".
Let me leave you with these PRECIOUS words. I hope they encourage you as much as they did me!
I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord;
No tender voice like Thine can peace afford.
I need Thee, oh, I need Thee;
Every hour I need Thee;
Oh, bless me now, my Savior,
I come to Thee.
I need Thee every hour, stay Thou nearby;
Temptations lose their pow’r when Thou art nigh.
I need Thee every hour, in joy or pain;
Come quickly and abide, or life is vain.
I need Thee every hour; teach me Thy will;
And Thy rich promises in me fulfill.
I need Thee every hour, most Holy One;
Oh, make me Thine indeed, Thou blessed Son.
I need Thee, oh, I need Thee;
Every hour I need Thee;
Oh, Bless me now, my Savior,
I come to Thee.