BLESSED PEOPLE.... thats what I am.

I'm surrounded by boxes of all the things I've accumulated over the last 4 years for my soon to be apartment, realizing that there is very little I "need" to make myself a home... this equals blessed.
I have an apartment waiting for me to move into: blessed.
I have an adorable little girl and boy waiting for me to move to Olathe so I can spend my days playing and reading and taking walks and going to the park: blessed.
I have best friend(s) that know me better than I know myself. (Jess, Kel, Les, Br
it and Nish): blessed.
I have wonderful people in my life: blessed.
AND.... I got to welcome the most precious little girl into the state of Nebraska last thursday.
uuugh: buh-lessed!
Let me explain: There is a man in my life named Josh.

Josh is wonderful. hilarious. sweet. kind. witty. smart. the love of my life. he is my little man. So stinking adorable. He calls me auntie B. I have a very special relationship with this little guy. His parents are like family to me. I adore them. On Thursday they added another to the family :) Sweet, precious, little Jazmine. and I got to be at the airport as scott and Kim came off of the plane to be reunited with Josh and F
INALLY have the whole family together. Let me take a second to introduce to ya'll... Jazzy Girl.
I LOOOVED being able to be the selected person to be there to photograph Jazzy girls homecoming :) And to finally see this beautiful family of 4 reunited :)
I was also at the airport when Josh came home and it was an experience I'll never forget.
Jaz was at church today and what a precious little girl she is. I cant wait to love on her and spoil her rotten... it will be a little harder than it was with Josh since I'm living three hours away... but I see many visits, gifts and loving going on between me and Jaz in the years to come :)
Lots of change coming my way... life is a' happenin' quickly...
but today I gotta say...
I'm feelin blessed :)
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