Last week I got the flu.
Well, I guess its NOT the "flu".
I've been told that the "flu" is a head cold?
(i dont understand this.)
I did not have a head cold.
I had the following:
nausea, body aches, cold sweats, nausea... nausea....
ugh. i forgot how much I hate the flu.
And I realized that I still pray to the good lord above when I'm feeling a little qweeezy..
Brooke: "oh no, lord, please! Please.. i dont want to throw up... please..."
(I think He may laugh at me sometimes).
Well, the Lord didnt answer my prayer....
And.thats.all.i.want.to.say.about. that.
I'm better now. Thank you Jesus. :)
In other news.. I have an official place to LIVE! :)
Regents Center apartments, I think we will get along just fine :)

this is my BUILDING ------------------------------>
so exciting :)
I lay in bed at night thinking of how I'll decorate and paint colors.
curtains. lamps.
(which by the way I purchased my lamps for my living room today!)

I have pretty much everything I "need".
EXCEPT a dining room table.
I had one and JUST got rid of it like 6 months ago...
my mind set was:
"whenever I move out on my own I'll just buy a new one".
stupid silly Brooke.
So. if any of ya'll have a dining room table you would just love to get off your hands...
well, my hands are willing to do ya a fava :).
so, the countdown begins...
Although the starting day for work HAS changed.
Poor little Hayden is still in the hospital.
(the youngest child is Hayden, he was born 10 weeks early and is still in the hospital gaining his strength!)
So, I am now here until the weekend of April 30th! :)
Which I'm a tad thankful for.. gives me more time to get things in order! :)
In other news, I leave to See Nish this week!!! SOOO EXCITED!
I have missed my best friend.
cant wait to see her, eat amazing food and tour washington DC! :)
pictures and stories to come :)
be ready for endless blogs on decorating and cooking...
im so excited about cooking my own dinners every night :)
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