"moving on is a simple thing, what it leaves behind is hard"
... somebody wise said this
So... I have big news.
Crazy news.
Scary and exciting all at once kinda news.
I'm. moving.
yoop. you heard me.
listen people.. this is why I thought i had insomnia.
This is why my last dozen blog posts have been about seeking something, looking for something, dealing with change.
I think I was being prepared for this move. (literally.)
As most of you know I have fallen in love.
to my aunts that read this: Its not what you think.
About two and a half years ago I came across a family that needed a part time baby-sitter.
I was just recently un-employed and desperate for any kind of job.
this wasnt the job I was looking for.. but it found me.
and im.so.glad.
I started working for the Dean Family and life has not been the same.
I have been a nanny for about 5 years and I have heard about having an "alice" experience.
(ya know, "the brady bunch" alice... come on people!)
And I thought that I had experienced that already, but man oh man, I was wrong.
The Deans welcomed me not only into their house but into their hearts (cheeeeeees-ay!)
But seriously, they took me in, they loved me, they accepted me and they paid me. ha.
The Deans were only in Nebraska for residency at the Medical Center.
So i know and they knew that the job would only last a little over 2 years and then they would move away.
What we didnt know was that we would fall in love with eachother and NEVER want to say goodbye! Ha.
I LOVE this family.
Can I just tell you about them puh-lease?
Well, there is David and Jozette. (aka: mom and dad)
David is funny and goofy. Nice to everyone. Cares about people and LOVES his family. He has become like a big brother to me. Very protective of me, likes to humiliate me (I'm assuming this is big brother stuff since I never had one).
Jozette has a heart of gold. Sweetest person you'll ever have the pleasure of crossing paths with. She was born to be a mom. She is patient, warm, fun, inviting. She is easy to talk to. I LOVE her.
Grace is in kindergarten. Grace is funny like her dad but nurturing like her mom. She is sweet and wants to do everything the "correct" way. She rarely has to be scolded. She is a GREAT big sister.
Addi is almost 3. Addi is hilarious. She is her own person for sure. Does everything at her own time and in her own way, she is unique. I have a really special bond with Adds because I have watched her since she was 5 months old. She loves to cuddle up with me at any given moment. She is the one that gave me the name "bup" that i'm sure I'll have for a long time to come. :)
Paige is a little over a year. I looked forward to Paige from the second I heard she was coming into the Dean family. We awaited her arrival and talked and talked about what life would be like once she/he finally got here! Paigie had the most handsome ultra-sound picture you could ever see. I was so sure she was a boy. But she surprised me. Which was only a prediction of what was to come... :) She continues to surprise me. She is quick tempered and very senstive. She is happy and giggly. She is already funny. She is a talker and LOVES her sisters. She may be the most "hard core" sister of them all.
These are the Deans and they have become my family. I love them dearly.
now.back.on.track. :)
When I first met the Deans I was unsure about taking the job only because it was only part time.
I could NOT shake the feeling that God was telling me:
"Brooke, they need help and I want YOU to be the one to help them!"
Welp, the Deans are moving and they dont really need a "bup" anymore. :)
(the circle of life..... )
So i started praying about what to do next.
I interviewed and turned down jobs and prayed, and cried, and questioned, and prayed.
(this probably explains the last 5 or 6 posts) ha.
A couple weeks ago I met a family in Olathe Kansas with 2 little kids.
They need a nanny full time starting in about 4 weeks.
They are a sweet little family.
As I walked out of their house and got into my car I started to cry as I felt it again.
(brooke, they need help, and i want YOU to help them)
Were they the Deans?
Is it going to be like the Deans?
Did they need my help?
So, after thinking and thinking I have made a decision.
to move to Olathe Kansas.
In the next blogs to come I'm sure I'll talk about the excitement I have over having my own place.
(ya heard that right people. I'm getting an apartments and living ALONE)
I'm sure I'll talk about the excitement of a new town (somewhat new).
I'm sure i'll have much more interesting things to write.
I do KNOW that this is what i'm supposed to do.
I AM excited.
But this blog....
this one for tonight...
i just want it to be about the family that has loved me and shown me that I'm a nanny.
Its who I am.
Its what I do.
Its what I love.
exciting times.
scary times.
defining times.
... to be continued :)