Saturday, September 17, 2011

my new Boo.

Hey all :)
big news today!!! But first....
Hope everyone is loving this fall weather as much as I am... because i am Lo-hoooving it! :)
The long sleeves, the starbucks, the candles...
ahhhhh.. simply marvelous. :)
chili in the crock pot for lunch tomorrow and pretty sure I'll be making Cinnamon apples later this week.. if anyone wants some, come on by! :)

Its Saturday night and Im sitting on my couch with candles lit drinking some coffee and relaxing after the most amazing 2 days.... wanna hear about em? I know ya do...

Let me give you a little history lesson first :)

So I have 5 best friends. These are the girls that I talk to the most and that I'm the closest to.
They are as follows... Tenisha, Jess, Kel, Brit and Les. :)

I love these girls. I have been friends with them for about 5 years (tenisha has been 9... crazy).

I met Kel, Les, Brit and Jess my freshmen year at MNU. Our friendships took off and have been such a HUGE blessing in my life. I have watched each one get engaged and 4 (almost 5) get married. I have sat in the church or on the stage as they have said their I do's. I have sang at two of their weddings :) Been to 4 bridal showers. Its been the most fun ride ever.

So, fast forward to present day and Kelli is pregnant!!! :) the first baby is about to be born! :) For months we have watched Kel's belly grow bigger and bigger with the bundle of joy inside. We have had the baby showers and gotten the gifts.. taken the "friendship picture" and prayed for Kel and her husband as they get ready for baby boy Haeffner! :) some great news is that Kel lives about 40 minutes from me now (not far AT ALL compared to the 3 hours it was when I lived in Omaha). Because I'm so close now I was dying to be at the hospital when Kel went into labor and I was SOOOOO fortunate to be able to do just that! :)

I spent the majority of yesterday at Lawrence Memorial Hospital with the Harris and Haeffner clan awaiting the arrival of that sweet baby boy! :) After a day of food runs, birthing balls, contractions, horrible contractions, drugs, jokes, baby mama movies, lots of cups of crushed ice and a whole lot of patience my best friend Kelli and her wonderful husband Zach welcome Harrison John Haeffner into the world! :) And He is gorgeous and perfect and sweet. Such a miracle. I literally couldnt hold back my emotions when I watched Kelli take Harrison into her arms for the first time and watch her as she transformed from Kelli to Mommy.

It was as if she has loved him and known him her whole life.

I spent some of today back at the hospital where all us girls got to get a "friendship picture" with Harrison! (so glad to welcome you to our group handsome boy.. you're a great addition!)

Okay okay.. your probably dying to see him huh? Here he is :

Thanks so much for letting me be apart of such a HUGE event in your life. I'm so proud of you and already amazed at the mother you are. :) Harrison is so lucky! I Love you so much.

Harrison, I cant wait to watch you grow up. You are so loved. What a miracle you are. Such a precious little boy. Cannot wait to love on you!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

cooking and ellen.

Hey guys :) So I finally bit the bullet and got internet... therefore you can be expecting more blogs!!! (for those of you that like them anyways!)

Life is really good, I'm getting used to living in Kansas and meeting new people... the first couple months were a little more difficult than I expected but I'm happy to say I love my job, I love my church, I love my apartment and I'm making some great friends :). Its all good in the hood.

In bigger and better news I start hair school in about a month. Life is about to get very busy for this slow girl. Let me just tell you something about myself.. I'm not a "go'er" I'm not one to pack my schedule full and "go go go". I'm a "sitter". I'm a reader (no, really.... I am! Thanks to Tenisha). But starting August I will be working 7am-4pm and in class from 515-915pm. As well as classes on Saturdays! Thank goodness I wont have class or work on Fridays! :) I'm dreading the schedule but super excited to learn all the ups and downs of..... beauty. Free hair cuts, highlights, waxing, manis and pedis if you let me practice on you! :)

Also, I have been cooking more.. (another thanks to Tenisha... what would i do without her?) Here are a couple of the delish dishes....

this right here is a corn basil pizza. so stinkin' good.. its making my mouth water right now!

Those babies right there are a sausage/pear/feta cheese pizza.. yep, you heard me right.
And a corn/basil pizza.

DELCIOUS. So stinking good. I made them for my family the last time I was in town and I think they dug it. I for sure did. I'll make them again soon... probably next week. thanks nish.

There's one more thing.
So. today. when the children were sleeping, the dishes were done and the beds were made I settled onto the couch with ipad in hand and started browsing facebook... it was about 245..
My thoughts were as follows..
"ugh, 15 minutes to kill...."
I assume you know what I was talking about.. Ellen.
Gosh, I love her. Brightens my day.
So.. while i waited the eternity of 15 minutes to get up off 'da couch and dance (pretending that i'm in the audience) with ma girl Ellen, I decided to youtube her funniest moments...
I came across her "bathroom concerts" the one with Jennifer Hudson is HILARIOUS. check it out.. it will make you laugh, I dont care who you are.
She is still my number one on the good ol' bucket list.
** have you guys emailed her yet telling her how badly she needs to meet me because she would want to be my friend? *** no? well... do it. :) (seriously).

Now I shall go take a long shower and get into my comfy bed and sleep a solid 8. later gators. :)